Tuesday, November 15, 2011

ALIFE’s content strategy
Just so we are all up to speed, the company that I have been covering for these assignments is a street wear brand out of New York City, ALIFE (pronounced Ā-LIFE). Now they are not your average brand. As you can see here is their fight song for the ALIFE Rivington Club. Also know as the A.R.C. (below)
You see ALIFE is not looking to advertise in Rolling Stone Magazine or anything like that; it’s not their style. They are apart of this underground culture were they want to remain. This is because of a trend that happens to a lot of brands, “the more ‘mainstream’ you get the more your message gets lost.” Knowing this ALIFE does not advertise on TV, or in magazines or things like that. The way they get their product out there is through word of mouth and the social media. This is a great example of how they remain in this “underground” culture while still being able to spread their word to fans of the brand.

If you look at ALIFE’s official Facebook page (social networking), you see that it is just an arm off of their twitter account. Everything that is tweeted is on Facebook. This is brilliant because they are killing two birds with one stone. They cover everything on twitter and post it on Facebook. Though ALIFE uses social networking, its main social media focus is through blogging, micro blogging, and photo/video sharing.

This leads me to their official Twitter account (micro-blogging). This is where ALIFE hits most of their advertising but as I said in my previous blogs ALIFE defines itself as art. So not only do they tweet their sales and pictures of their products. They also post artwork, videos, and many other different things that would help define the culture of this company. And this photo shows it.
Their Twitter page, and Facebook page for that matter, has hyperlinks that lead to the other forms of social media, blogging being one of them.

ALIFE’s blog sites, http://blog.alifenyc.com/ and http://blog.newyorkartdepartment.org/, is where the brand does a lot of picture and video sharing. They are the closest thing to a visual representation of the company, with out being on Rivington St. that is. The reason is because a blog is so much more in your face than any of the other social mediums. ALIFE already tells it how it is, and on a blog with out any restrictions the brand just lets loose. I said it before ALIFE is for the people; they are a part of this culture. So throughout these blogs you will find videos of Occupy Wall St, random art work from random street artist, all types of music, pictures of the store, pictures of people wearing ALIFE, pictures of random shit in the streets of New York, and so much more.

All of the forms of social media that ALIFE uses give the viewer a glimpse of the culture of which they represent.

It’s useful for the company because it still remains word of mouth, though it uses all different forms of the social media. And through all of this, ALIFE creates a deeper relationship with their target public because it brings the viewer along for the ride.


  1. Alife is a sick brand. I've bought a few shirts before and I like how they don't mainstream advertise but rather keep the message within their culture and maintain their own attitude.

  2. Wow...their blogging is pretty interesting - I see what you mean by their being able to unleash on the blog-circuit. It allows their media to be viewed by those who seek it, and not to be tossed into something like, as you said above, Rolling Stone. Good stuff!

  3. What about photo or video sharing? Any signs of social bookmarking?
