Saturday, November 26, 2011

ALIFE-style like no other (Assignment 4)

Sorry guys I thought I posted this last week but apparently I didn't. Last week we were asked to write about traditional and new media relation strategies and explain how our company uses them... well here it goes!

ALIFE has never really used any of our traditional media relation strategies, because that is just not how the company works. They are just not interested on getting their word out that way. On the other hand when it comes to the new media relation strategies, ALIFE is all over it. I know I have said this before… the way that they use their new media strategies, such as their blogs and twitter, they are not like your everyday companies. Yes, they will post the dates of upcoming sales; they will also post pictures of items that just dropped. But when ALIFE blogs (on twitter, Facebook, and such), they bring the viewer in to this “underground” culture. Its almost like it’s a secret party that you are invited too. But that is how ALIFE stays a live in this culture (ha no pun intended). Their quality of clothing is out of this world and they do not lose track in what they believe in.

When you enter their blog or Facebook site you feel ALIFE’s personality as if it were a human standing right in front of you. It says it in their ‘fight song’ posted in my last blog. They really don’t give a shit what anyone thinks. That being said, they do not use any type of traditional media. They do actually have a commercial on TV… kind of. The commercial is about one of the owners of ALIFE using this new Blackberry. Throughout the commercial he talks about the company, but notice he never says ALIFE's name (you only see his hat that says ALIFE). So I guess it is more of a product placement if anything. Well I’ll let you be the judge of that. Click HERE and watch the commercial.

Anyway, though I think ALIFE is a great brand, there are a few aspects that I think they can work on. One of them is I think ALIFE should update their blogs more. There are times where they go weeks without updating anything. Another aspect that I feel ALIFE could work on is their videos; none of them show the store or really bring you inside(except the for the Blackberry commercial). But after thinking about for a while, it makes me wonder if they do it on purpose. You know, they show you some but leave you wanting more. Like you almost have to come through to Rivington St. get the experience. So who am I to judge what they do.

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